Residential complex Avtohraf

  • class Comfort
  • location The house is located in a cozy corner of the capital - on the territory of the Dniprovskiy district and is surrounded by a wonderful park with a cascade of lakes
  • number-of-storeys 26 floors
  • construction-technology Monolithic frame technology
  • construction-material Brick
  • ceiling-height 2.7 m
  • infrastructure Next to the complex is everything that modern families need: park areas, bicycle paths, well-kept playgrounds, flower beds and shady alleys. Nearby are kindergartens and schools, gymnasiums, colleges, grocery stores, shopping malls, skating rink, restaurants and cafes, banks, oceanarium
  • parking Underground parking
  • transport-connection M “Darnytsia”, “Chernihivska”
Residential complex objects
Sale Apartment
Park Lane Real Estate Agency Services