Land for sale Promyslova St. Ukrainka Q-14383

Ukrainka, Obukhivskyi district Code: Q-14383

2 505 000* UAH

60 000 $

In USD60 000 $

In Euro55 400 €

Contact the realtor
  • Street
  • Square land
    12 ares
  • Price per ares
    209 000 UAH
  • Description

    Sale of agricultural land plot, on Promyslova St., area 12 acres. Flat plot 22x55m on one side is the highway between Ukrainka and Obukhiv, on the other is the Stugna River in Ukrainka, which flows into the Dnieper. There is a project for development. Purpose: for gardening. Documents in order

The plan-scheme of the property is presented on the basis of typical plans of the premises in the building. The areas on the plan-scheme may have minor deviations from the areas indicated in the technical passport of the facility.
Park Lane Real Estate Agency Services